Cuddling your dog: where to pet them to make them happy

Cuddling your dog: where to pet them to make them happy
There’s nothing like caressing and scratching your dog, the best things for the well-being and happiness of you both. Anyway, cuddling your dog in specific body parts can make them feel much more happy. Let’s find these parts out together in this pet news.
After a busy day or a long walk with your dog, there is nothing better than a moment just for you: it’s cuddle time!
This is a really good daily habit for you and your pet, because it stimulates production of oxytocin and endorphins, which are “happy hormones”. Below are some “cuddling” tips to make your dog even more happy! Let’s go!

Two preliminary, valid tips
You better respect limits and rules when cuddling your pet.
First of all, you shouldn’t pet them after they did something wrong, or when they are eating or playing on their own. In case of dog’s wrong behaviour, you should keep self-control and teach them the right thing to do; when your dog is doing something on their own instead, as you can guess, it’s essential to leave them their own spaces.
Then, dogs have personal preferences about cuddling, and you can find them out while building a loving, respectful relationship. However, as you read above, there are way many special body parts where almost all dogs absolutely love to be cuddled! Let’s discover them together.

1st body part: under the chin
Without a doubt, this is the favorite body part where dogs love to be cuddled.
Without pushing on the jaw, cuddling your dog under the chin allows them to relax so much that they feel like they can’t get enough!
However, dogs don’t like to be cuddled on their paws, tail - don’t you ever touch it! - and on their head: although you may think that little pats on head could be appreciated, it’s not entirely true. Your four-legged friend may feel overwhelmed, so they probably accept it only from their “true owner”.

2nd body part: chest and belly
If the chest is the natural extension of the chin, belly is another ideal part for caressing, which dogs generally love. In fact, if they are particularly calm and confident, you may have noticed that they willingly lie on their back to make it easier for you to cuddle them!
So, there is nothing better than a good amount of lovely cuddles on their belly.

3rd body part: bust and bottom
Not only on the chin, chest and belly: cuddles are always well accepted on the bust and backside too. From the neck to their back: scratching and caressing, as well as soft and constant pats on their bottom, can be comforting for your pet. In particular, dogs love being cuddled on the bottom, and they show it by wagging their tail!

In the end, if you want to make your dog even happier after a good cuddling session, well, all you have to do is prizing them with one of Oasy Snacks!

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